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Growing in Love: A Path to Lasting Fulfilment

Love is a complex and beautiful emotion that has captivated humanity for centuries. The idea of falling in love is often portrayed as a magical experience, akin to being struck by cupid's arrow. However, at AWKN, we believe that there is a more profound and lasting way to experience love: by growing in love.

growing in love relationship advice

In this blog, we will explore the concept of growing in love and why it can be a more fulfilling and sustainable approach to building meaningful relationships.

The Problem with "Falling" in Love:

When we talk about "falling" in love, we often describe it as a sudden and uncontrollable experience. It's as if love is something that happens to us, beyond our control. While the initial stages of falling in love can be exhilarating, they are often marked by intense emotions and infatuation. This phase is sometimes referred to as the "honeymoon period." However, it's important to recognize that the honeymoon phase is temporary, and it can blind us to the realities of a long-term relationship.

The Importance of Growing in Love:

Growing in love, on the other hand, is a more deliberate and conscious process. It involves nurturing love over time, just as you would nurture a plant. Here are some reasons why growing in love can lead to more fulfilling relationships:

"Don't fall in love, grow in love. Everything that falls gets broken, everything that grows gets stronger".

#1 - Self-Awareness:

Growing in love encourages self-awareness and personal growth. It requires us to reflect on our own needs, values, and expectations in a relationship. By understanding ourselves better, we can communicate more effectively and build stronger connections.

#2 - Patience and Resilience:

Love that grows is built on patience and resilience. It acknowledges that challenges will arise in any relationship and that it takes effort to overcome them. When we are willing to work through difficulties together, the love deepens.

#3 - Building a Strong Foundation:

Falling in love often focuses on the surface-level attraction, while growing in love emphasizes building a strong foundation based on trust, respect, and shared values. This foundation provides stability during the inevitable ups and downs of a relationship.

#4 - Long-Term Commitment:

Growing in love encourages a long-term commitment to each other's well-being and happiness. It's about investing in the relationship, even when the initial excitement has faded, and building a love that endures.

Practical Steps to Grow in Love:

#1 - Communication:

Open and honest communication is essential for growing in love. Share your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations with your partner, and actively listen to their needs as well.

#2 - Self-Reflection:

Take time to reflect on your own desires and personal growth. Understand your strengths and areas for improvement to be a better partner.

#3 - Quality Time:

Spend quality time together, creating memorable experiences and deepening your connection.

#4 - Support and Empathy:

Be there for each other through life's challenges, offering support and empathy. This strengthens the emotional bond.

#5 - Seek Professional Help:

If you're facing difficulties in your relationship, consider seeking the guidance of a therapist or counselor. They can provide valuable insights and strategies for growth.

Final Thoughts...

While falling in love can be a thrilling and beautiful experience, it is not enough to sustain a long-lasting and fulfilling relationship. At AWKN, we encourage you to embrace the idea of growing in love—a conscious, deliberate, and patient approach to building strong, lasting, and deeply fulfilling relationships.

By investing in personal growth, effective communication, and shared experiences, you can nurture love that thrives even in the face of life's challenges, and find lasting happiness in your relationships.

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