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5 Golden Rules for Finding your Purpose (Not what you Expect)

Updated: Sep 13, 2023

Purpose is complex. Most people understand purpose as your underlying values that drive you. But the real challenge with this question, is understanding if this is the real question you are asking yourself. What are you seeking with this question. Once you understand what you are seeking, you might be able to start to action these 5 crucial golden rules for finding your purpose.

a compass to find your purpose in life

Golden Rule 1. Don't jump the Queue.

For a second imagine someone who you feel has found their purpose. Joe Rogan, gets to talk to amazing people for a living and helps to bring ideas to the masses. Oprah Winfrey, sharing her story and inspiring millions of people. Anyone you want to think of. Now instead of looking at their success and the end point. Ask yourself this, what experiences has this person gone through in order to become who they and find their purpose. Joe Rogan had challenges as a young child and a problematic relationship with his step father. Oprah, well you can look into her story. Moral of the story they have gone through horrible times but those times have build certain traits that allowed them to pursue who they are. So, throw yourself into challenging experiences, keep making yourself uncomfortable so you're learning curve is the steepest it can be.

Golden Rule 2. Don't wait for the right thing, start ruling out the wrong things.

Often when people are looking for their purpose they are looking out for what is right. The key to finding your purpose is try everything. When babies are learning to speak they will try multiple noises until they get a response from their parents, trial and error. This is the approach we should have when trying to find our purpose, try as many things as possible. It better to rule things out than to do nothing.

Golden Rule 3. Sometimes we associate purpose with feeling good and right.

Understand this, some of the people in history that we might associate with being the most purposeful, Malcolm X, Ghandi etc. They weren't having an easy life. Their life wasn't rainbows and unicorns, it had extreme unimaginable challenge. So ask yourself what you mean by purpose. By purpose do you mean feel happy and have an easy life or do you mean be of use in a big way to society.

Golden Rule 4. Purpose doesn't mean changing the world.

Purpose can be more local to you. It can be caring for your family, it can be working hard to put your daughter through school, it can be taking dogs at your local shelter for a walk, it can be reading to the elderly, it can be anything. Remember sometimes the small things you can do can ripple out and having bigger effects than you'd ever imagine.

Golden Rule 5. Find People who are also Seeking.

When you get caught in the 'rat race' of life, its easy to deprioritise finding your purpose. To counteract this try and find people who are also yearning to understand and try and take in information which promotes the likelihood that you'll find your purpose.

We'd love tp hear about how you feel you've found your purpose, DM us through our website or social platforms (

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